Beit David Highland Lakes Synagogue
2601 N.E 205th Street, N. Miami Beach, FL 3318
This synagogue is a Chabad-style but movement, unaffiliated traditional Orthodox congregation. Every Shabbat they have a music-filled Friday evening service to set the mood, and a full schedule of prayer services,study, and camaraderie on Saturday.This synagogue welcomes everyone no matter where they are now religiously and spiritually.

Temple Sinai of North Dade
18801 N.E 22 Ave, N. Miami Beach, FL 33180
This is a Reform congregation, affiliated with the URJ (Union for Reform Judaism). They Practice and cherish our liberal Jewish tradition in accordance with contemporary and changing needs.
Temple Sinai is home to the Jacobson Sinai Academy, the only liberal Jewish day school in the northern area of Miami-Dade County, Florida, grades K-8. Their curriculum integrates secular studies with their rich Jewish history and values and with the modern Hebrew language. Each child learns that the school values human growth as well as academic achievement.
Temple Sinai also offers a dynamic pre-school program, an afternoon religious school, and an after school enrichment program.

Beth Torah Benny Rok Campus
20350 Ne 26th Ave., N, Miami Beach, FL 33180
One of South Florida’s leading Conservative synagogues and one of the premier Jewish institutions in North America. Feel the vibrant and dynamic Jewish experience through worship, study, and acts of social conscience. In this synagogue you feel the warmth and friendliness of their congregation, where family comes first.
They offer a private K-12 school, overseen by parents concerned with providing their children with traditional Jewish values driven by academic excellence, and delivered by a loving committed staff, plus adult study and religious school. Their Early Childhood Center offers programs for 2-year olds and up, including a warm, nurturing daycare center in their brand new, immaculate and airy facility. Singing, structured play, age appropriate activities are all part of your child’s day.

St. Lawrence

The Family Shul Synagogue
2601 NE 211 Terrace, North Miami Beach, FL 33180
(305) 770-1919
Synagogue: The Family Shul
Highland Lakes Jewish Center – Chabad Chayil